Sunday, November 01, 2009


One of these days, I do intend to post about knitting projects again. It might encourage me to finish a few things, too. Startitis has been a bit high lately with very little pay out. Instead, I'm going to post again about something I've watched on the internet. Fly that geek flag high!

Unlike Girl Number 9, (the first episode of which was not bad and not too horribly full of exposition), Validation is happy. It also doesn't involve following a story in five minute chunks for a week. It's cute and adorable. It has TJ Thyne (Hodgins from Bones). It'll take about 15 minutes of your time.

See? Adorable.

Note: For some insane reason, I'm doing NaBloPoMo again. I wasn't going to but my extreme lack of blogging over the past few months is making me a little sad. It's going to get a bit high volume around here over the next month.

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