Sunday, November 15, 2009

Half a Cardigan

Between feeling rather achey, coughing and napping this weekend, I managed to get past the halfway point on the Vine Yoke Cardigan.

Half of a Vine Yoke Cardigan

It's still knitting along quite nicely and the garter stitch that has two very intuitive, easy to memorize charts is very easy to watch TV or listen to podcasts to. Now I'm just whiling away the hours until I can watch Doctor Who and the season premier of Top Gear that I didn't even know was starting up again today. I almost wish it wasn't. I already have James May's Toy Stories to give me my Captain Slow fix for the moment so a later- starting Top Gear season would have spread that out.

How can you not love an entire garden made of Plasticine? I had never even heard of Plasticine until this episode of Toy Stories and now I really want some to play with. It looks way more fun than Play-Doh. It's what Wallace & Gromit are made of. Why yes, I am a hopeless anglophile, why do you ask?

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