Monday, May 12, 2008

"Mr. Sandman" by The Chordettes

This song is a pain in the ass to sing. It's got close harmony and you have to sing "bum bum bum" a lot. It's lovely if kind of sad and desperate when you think about the lyrics.

I actually had a dream that had my ex-boyfriend from high school in it last night. I'm sure it was spurred by my recent visit home, especially since we went to the grocery store he used work at yesterday. It wasn't much, just ran into him at said grocery store. It was just weird because I barely think about him these days.

When I sang this song, I was in fact still dating him. I was a senior in high school and the theme of our high school Pops concert was the 50s. Back when I could still sing more than five notes in a row and stay in tune. Overall, I'm happy with the direction my life has taken since then, minus a small bit of job dissatisfaction as of late.

On a cheerier note, here's the Golden Girls' rendition.

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