Sunday, May 04, 2008

"Great DJ" by The Ting Tings

"Great DJ" is the iTunes free single of the week right now (I don't know when the "week" is switched over but as of Sunday morning in the Central time zone it is still available).

It's good clean Europop fun. The lead singer kind of reminds me of that one chick from Rock of Love only British and a hot mess as far as I can tell.

I first heard this song last month during NPR's coverage of South by Southwest. SXSW is one of the many reasons that I think it would be awesome to live in Austin, TX. It's this total anomaly, a liberal Mecca in the middle of Texas. I'm sure that actually trying to live and work in Austin during SXSW and Austin City Limits could be a big pain in the ass but the accessibility to so much new music would probably be worth it. Plus, it's in Texas and right now I'm so over Minnesota weather.

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