Saturday, November 22, 2008

Banana Bread

Around 8:00 last night, I was hit by a bit of a baking bug. Fortunately for me, I had stuck some bananas that were on their way to going bad in the freezer awhile back. Less then two hours later, I had two loaves of banana bread and my apartment smelled fantastic. My one hand smelled a little too much of vanilla, though, as I had a little slip with the bottle of vanilla extract. At least I hadn't dumped it into the bowlful of batter, I guess.

Today was a bit of a lazy day. Had a bit of last night's banana bread for breakfast and read The Wordy Shipmates for most of the day. I did pause a bit to clean the bathroom and get some other things done and I may knit a bit while watching some TV. I think I'm in the mood for Veronica Mars since I've decided Kristen Bell is one of the few things left worth watching on Heroes these days. I wish she wasn't just a guest star.

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