Wednesday, January 23, 2008

As If I Didn't Love David Tennant Enough

I've watched all of the 2005 Doctor Who revival episodes in the past couple of weeks and have enjoyed them a lot. I adored Christopher Eccleston but I knew his time wasn't long going into it. David Tennant has been amazing, though, and I'm glad that there's more episodes with him. Until then, I can look at awesome things like this (Tennant doesn't show up until about the last 30 seconds).

On the knitting front, I've finished my second pair of Monkeys but I haven't gotten around to taking pictures. Considering the current weather, more wool socks are in order.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

First Finished Projects of '08

This week I finished some socks out of Duet Sock Yarn that I received in the SP11 exchange. It was my first attempt at a short row heel and it didn't go half bad. I'll probably continue to do a heel flap and turn the heel most of the time, but it's good to have a new skill. I like socks with contrasting heels and toes so I'll at least use it for that style in the

I also made a pair of Saartje's Bootees (opens pdf) for my manager's baby that's supposed to be born on Monday. I was stupid when I bought the buttons and only bought enough for one bootee (two per bootee) but I wanted to get them done before the baby was born so I changed the pattern a bit. I have no idea if it'll work. Right now I'm just hoping that the baby actually is a girl like she's supposed to be.

Monday, January 07, 2008

License Plate Fun

I don't have Crazy Aunt Purl's mad traffic-photography skills (or the LA traffic that allows her the time to take such shots), but I saw this on a WI plate on my way to IKEA on Saturday:


I'm also posting to gush over the impending return of Stewart and Colbert tonight. I'm conditionally excited as I hope that they do OK without their writers. Come on, AMPTP, make them a good deal. Letterman's production company was able to find their demands reasonable, why can't the rest of you?

Edited to Add (ETA): I also hope that Stewart and Colbert have not grown strike beards a la Conan and Letterman. I saw two screencaps of the bearded ones side by side today and all I could think was that it was Santa and his elf.
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