Thursday, April 15, 2010


So, blogging. It's been over a month but I've been keeping myself busy. March was a particularly full month at work but now things have settled in a bit. Taxes are done. I've finally made significant project on the Burridge Lake Aran Afghan. I now have two of three panels done (excuse the poor lighting).

Panel 1 + 2

I cast on panel number three on Friday evening. Even with the gorgeous weather keeping me from getting much knitting done over the weekend, I'm now through nine of 24 repeats of this final panel.

Panel 3, 9 Repeats In

Still looks like I'll be finishing this project at the absolute worst time to properly enjoy a heavy wool afghan but I'll be glad to have it done.

Also keeping me busy has been The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. I realize that I have jumped on the bandwagon late but I feel like the joke is on everyone else. I probably won't even be done with the second book (The Girl Who Played with Fire) when the final book comes out on May 25. It's enjoyable reading no matter when you read it and I haven't been spoiled so it's OK.

Spoilers = bad, even if there are somethings I can't wait for.  Like the new series of Doctor Who. Series 5 starts on BBC America April 17 for those of you disciplined enough to wait. Or for those of you that haven't watched it. I am completely sincere when I say that this new season is a perfect time to jump in. There's a new cast, new team of producers, pretty much new everything. I've seen the first two episodes and they're absolutely thrilling. Whether you watch episode 1 or episode 3 this weekend, a good time should be had by all.

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