Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Tonight as I left work there were nice, big, fluffy flakes falling from the sky. These were the real first sign that winter is on its way. I've seen snow falling a few times this season but that was wimpy, wannabe snow. This is the kind of snow that I can look out my window at and see floating down past the street lights and feel like I live in a snow globe. Granted, most snow globes don't contain gas stations next to Mormon book and gift shops, but I'll take what I can get. This is the idealized version of winter I have in my mind instead of the reality of having to clean off the car and freeze my feet off in the morning.


Lisa said...

That's a mormon bookstore over there on Hadley? I didn't know that. I just watched part of the Frontline special on Mormons this morning. Interesting. I would say they are crazy, but then again I can also draw lots of paralells to the Christian religion, and that might piss people off, so I'll just let it go...

Emily said...

I didn't realize it at first until I noticed that there was a small sign under the big one that said LDS Books. I'm almost kind of curious to go in some time. has shown some rather interesting covers of Mormon literature in the past.

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