In other knitting related news, I submitted the Hemlock Ring to Knit'n From the Heart's Olympics contest and I got bronze in the intermediate/advanced category. The prize? A set of needles up to $20 value. New Addi Turbos for me!
Even more exciting was the visitor that arrived at my door today. He came with candy, a pretty blue, heathered skein of Cascade 220, a drop spindle and some really soft merino fiber. Looks like it's time for me to learn how to spin.
The Travelling!Doctor Swap has been going on since October 2008 and it's finally my turn to show him around the Twin Cities. Tonight we decided to lay back and watch last night's The Big Bang Theory, bringing together TBBT, Doctor Who and the precious (ring from The Lord of the Rings for the decidedly non-geeky out there).
Now I need to find other places to take him. I'm already planning to go to DreamHaven Books, Neil Gaiman's home base, on request of another Doctor Who fan and the sculpture garden. Any other suggestions?